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Tips How to Add Height

Thursday 2 August 2012

Tips How to Add Height
short body and high body

Body with an ideal height is everyone’s dream. Increase in body’s height speed of each person is different depends each of our efforts. Before I say the tips how toadd height, please note a few things below. Below are some of the things associated with the growth of our height.

  • Factors that can affect the body height
  1. Nutrition, make sure your body is getting enough protein, fat, vitamins (like vitamin A and D), and minerals (iron, calcium, zinc and iodine) because it can affects the addition of body height. 
  2. Heredity factors also determine a person’s body height. Parents who have the ideal body’s height are potentially has children with an ideal height as well. 
  3. Growth hormone, function of growth hormone is to stimulate the bone growth. Thyroid hormones are needed to carry out metabolic processes. 
  4. Sex hormones which consist of the hormone estrogen, progesterone and androgen, to function in the process of sexual maturation. 
  5. Support from the environment. Lack of immunization, adequate affection and economic needs can affect appetite, health needs. So the process of adding body height was stunted.
  • Activities that can optimize the body height
  1. Stretching: stretching movements, so that the back bones are stretched lengthwise. If the movements are done regularly and intensively, it can help stimulate the addition of the back bones. 
  2. Hanging: dependent with both hands. This movement is very stimulating elongation of the back bones. 
  3. Kicking: kicking legs. This movement stimulates the growth of the legs bone that extends optimal, so the body will grow taller. In addition, the movement can make our legs protected from varicose disease. 
  4. Biking, biking can stimulate the length of legs. Tread the pedals evenly, do not tiptoe. Back straight, do not bent. If every day of cycling in the distance, can help stimulate of the legs. 
  5. Swimming: when swimming, all parts of the body stretched, from head to toe. In addition, the swimming motions involve almost all the muscles of the body. 
  6. Basketball, soccer, volleyball and other sports are excellent for stimulating increase body height, because the body often leaps to the top. Springboard against gravity, causing the all body muscles are stretching.
  • How to quickly add height naturally
  1. Exercise more, especially in the morning. Jogging, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball and swim particularly. Doing exercise can make your body health, so the growth to become fluent. 
  2. Get enough rest, sleep 7-8 hours a day on a regularly. Do not stay up too late, and rose up early in the morning. 
  3. Inadequate nutrition by consume foods that contain a lot of nutrient and vitamin. Drink plenty of high calcium milk and iron. 
  4. Eat regularly and avoid stress. Use your free time with useful activities, such as exercise. 
  5. If necessary, take medication natural body height adder. 
  6. Do not forget to pray, asking the Almighty for your body grow taller.

That’s a few tips how to add height naturally, and healthy. The key is do not be lazy to exercise, so that your body grow taller and become ideal.






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